We need your help!

Whilst we’re working hard at longer term plans to save and restore this iconic Art Deco building for future generations, and whilst we believe that this is possible, we unfortunately are faced with the challenge of water ingress which has the potential to impact on the baths building.

Blocked rainwater goods have resulted in some areas being impacted over time and although the building is in good structural shape, we are concerned about recent water ingress to the pool hall as displayed in the picture attached.

We’d be delighted to hear from anybody who may be able to help us in surveying the issues concerned, or supporting us in carrying out necessary work to stabilise the issue. This would be a significant help to our project and help prevent further deterioration whilst plans progress to restore the baths building.

Please contact us at info@bonaccordbaths.org.uk if you feel that you could help in any way.

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