Breathing life back into Bon Accord Baths
Donate to Bon Accord Heritage
Donating to Bon Accord Baths is simple, from polishing floors, to cleaning gutters, from marshalling our events to delivering tours, our volunteers give countless hours of their time to help save Bon Accord Baths.
You can help us to keep this vital work going, preserving the building, and bringing it back to life for future generations.
Bon Accord Heritage is self-funding independent charity, registered at OSCR (SC046052). We do not receive any core funding from the local authority or Scottish Government.

What the future holds
Work and Mission
We rely on applications to trusts and foundations who kindly support the project, as well as public fundraising at our events and through our online campaign to do what we do.
You can support us by donating online or at any of our events, volunteering and much more.
If you would like to make a significant donation, please reach out to our fundraising trustee on for the attention of Ross, and he will be in touch with you directly.